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Trustfeed Score 3.0
Phasi Charoen, Thailand
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Trustfeed Score 5.0
Bueng Kum, Thailand
ร้านลูกชิ้น น้องอัญอัญ
คลองหนึ่ง Khlong Luang District, Thailand
Bang Kapi District, Thailand
Krasang District, Thailand
Chawang District, Thailand
วรารัตน์/ ปั้ม ปตท.บ้านบ่อ
Restoran Bakso Cinta Alam
Trustfeed Score 4.2
Bu Meixiu
The bakso so delicious. Affordable price and friendly seller
Nandlal Kirana Store
Trustfeed Score 4.8
Bairamgunj, India
Gopal Thakur
Very good
Fiesta Bakers
Trustfeed Score 4.7
Madeenaguda, India
Vijay Atthuluri
I bought three cakes till now from here. Cakes are of excellent quality. Latest designs. Prices are moderate.
Bakso Beranak Taman Merdeka
Trustfeed Score 4.1
Malacca, Malaysia
Aizalyasni Bukhari
Pedas is tasty
Bakso Sapi, Maknyos
Trustfeed Score 4.5
Kabupaten Sanggau, Indonesia
Hai Maudhyna!
Ada bakso tulang iga nya muantep cuman 25rb dapat 2 tulang dg daging yg tuebell
Warung Bakso Arjuna Balai Karangan
Sanggau Regency, Indonesia
Blogger Borneo
Lokasinya cukup dekat dari tempat menginap dan berada di pusat keramaian. Harga per porsi untuk bakso urat adalah 20 ribu dan bakso biasa 15 ribu. Ta...
Langgeng Mie Ayam Baso
Trustfeed Score 4.4
Batam City, Indonesia
Riki Krisnaldi
No need to worry here. just a local chicken noodle shop. tasty, affordable, and a pretty nice place to sit and eat.
Mie Ayam Bakso Sumber Rejeki 2
Julian 2017
Sederhana ekonomis
Mie Ayam Baso Ceker Sido Rukun
Priyo Setyo Utomo
Sarapan bubur ayam di tempat ini kalo pagi enak loh..
Bakso Meteor - Mie Ayam Bakso
Trustfeed Score 4.6
widhi utomo
Mie Ayam Bakso Cjdw
khoirul muslimin
Mie Ayam Bakso Sari Agung Mandiri
Kota Batam, Indonesia
Muhammad Doris
Bakso Rudal Mbak Lestari
Landak Regency, Indonesia
Si Sangat Besar
Orangnya baik , semoga pak Sartono beserta keluarga dalam keadaan sehat walafiat
Mie Ayam Bakso Ujang
Trustfeed Score 4.3
Pandu Prasodjo
There is always visitors all day, it is very seldom to see this restaurant with no visitors. The main menu of this restaurant is Bakso Urat (meatballs...
Bakso Remaja Malang
Ivan Y Sihite
Its a good place if you want to eat meatball. Taste delicious, inexpensive.
Warung Bakso & Mie Ayam Kabul Wijaya
Kabupaten Landak, Indonesia
Enak sekali cocok untuk makan bersama teman teman dan juga keluarga
Mie Ayam Bakso Mas Trimo
Nori Tan
Nice food. Good place. Very cheap price
Mie Ayam Bakso
Trustfeed Score 3.5
Gus Bowo
Menikmati mie ayam ala Jawa Tengah, cukup lumayan dari racikan yang disuguhkan, bikin ketagihan, menu yang tersedia selain mie ayam ada juga fredchik...
Warung Bakso Kapincut
Comfy place to hangout but not to work because there’s no outlet for charging and no wifi too. Food is good and affordable price.
Bakso Pakde Slamet
Bram Badonx
I love the mie ayam bakso and the pecel! One of my favorite place to eat in Tiban area... the owner are polite and friendly... will miss the place the...
Bakso Kikil Boro
Thomson Siregar
Popotato Batam Nagoya
Ujie Caprone
Sementara kita tidak ada tempat, tapi selalu hadir di bazar-bazar makanan di kota Batam
Ki Bakso Batam Tiban Koperasi
Rozi Ramadhani
Great place for enjoying authentic bakso
Bakso Gres Batam
Thierris Nora Kusuma
Serve quite a variety of meatballs (bakso) and noodles (mie) with reasonable price. The taste is just normal (not something that will make you incredi...
Mie Ayam Dan Bakso Arema "Cak Gik"
Nandar Abdi Nantha
Excellent food from long time ago until now, tasted never changed
Mie Ayam Bakso Ceker "Wong Bat"
andi abdurrahman
Bakso Bumi Mie Ayam
Nova Saputra
Rm Ojolali
Trustfeed Score 4.0
Sri Suci utami
RM Ojo Lali... super meal, complete dinner ... Maulidan for pŕophet Muhammad SAW
Bakso Solo Marem
Nothing really stands up. Neither good nor bad. Place is pretty spacious, meatball is taste nice but texture not to my preferences. Worth it for the p...
Warung Bakso Gizi
Nia Agustin
Stasiun Bakso Tenis Solo Balapan
Tempat makan bakso yg enak di waktu hujan, dengan kuah nya yg spesial ditambah bakso nya yg daging nya nampil banget, ada WiFi gratis, dengan pelayan...
Pondok Bakso Podomoro
Joko Sungkono
Bakso Malang Kembayan
Bakso plus pangsit, rasanya lumayan sesuai selera.
Lumintu Bakso
Vian Uzumaki
nice food
Bakso Rudal
Mister Faizal
Not bad
Warung Bakso Putri
Fajar Prayitno
3T Termurah Terenak & Terhalal
Bakso Tahu
Bakso Catur
Odik Suwendi
Meatballs and soup are very delicious... one of the best chicken noodles I've ever taste. And inexpensive too.
Bakso Boyolali
Trustfeed Score 4.9
Mohammad Ridwan
Pokokny gk d yg lain....josssss tenan Mantap rasany
Pondok Bakso Gong
M Fitriyansyah
This pondok baso gong price is cheaper
Bakso Kita Banyuwangi Fanindo
The taste is good
Bakso Dan Mie Ayam,,Solo Ojo Lali,,
Stendly Rooy Tamarindag
Bakso Big Brother
Metrokalbar 20
Warung Bakso "Jaya Mulya"
agustina kataleya
Baksonya enak, penjual ramah bersahabat.
Bakso Banyuwangi
Gusz Hiu
Bakso Petir
jacobian cool
Great meat ball to enjoy
Bakso Sedap Mantap - Kepri Mall
Darwin Sihotang
Strategis dan nyaman
Bakso Mie Ayam Pak Ndut
Jimmy Fernando
Baksonya Enak, Sayangnya tempatnya sempit..
Pondok Ikan Bakar Bu' Ana.K Bakso Kuningan Mie Ayam
Kabupaten Bintan, Indonesia
Bakso Geger
Trustfeed Score 3.4
Imron Rosyadi
Gak kenal
Bakso Gajah Mungkur Wonogiri
Trustfeed Score 3.6
I have visited their branch in one of big Mall in Nagoya area. The taste is good and very cheap. They serve also other domestic dishes such as chicken...
Bakso King Solo Cabang Batu 9
Tanjung Pinang City, Indonesia
eddy lim
Nice chicken noodle very delicious
Bakso Boom Ojo Lali
novi mariska
-fyi pelayanan nya oke ramah banget, semua makanannya enakrekomend untuk kalian harus coba mie ayam nya sih. Btw ini langganan dari saya masih smk s...
Ayam Goreng Kremes & Bakso
Trustfeed Score 3.8
This restaurant has good service and menu. The main menu is Bakso (meatballs) but they also serve other options like fried chicken, catfish, siomay, n...
Bakso Bibi
Warung Bakso ini terletak di dekat jembatan pasar Balai Batang Tarang. Harganya hanya Rp10.000 saja perporsi nya Rasanya cukup enak kok Boleh di co...
Baso Malang & Mie Ayam Bromo
Julius Sudarta
Mie Ayam Bakso Banyumas
Cemunk Pamungkas
Mak nyus
Bakso Gajah Oleng
cah jombang
Baksonya mantap.. di jamin puasss
Warung Bakso Serayu
Bintan Regency, Indonesia
The coffee is great, and some local breakfast menu...
Point Cafe & Foodbar
Franstito Patria
Cool place to hangout, the price is affordable, live music, but so crowded and slow to serve
Bakso Ojo Lali Cjdw
Ruswanto Rus12
Enak. Sambalnya mantap... Memang beda... seje dewe (CJDW). Tersedia juga mie ayam...
Bakso Malang
Nice place to get Hot Meat Ball / Bakso Malang and hot lemon tea while waiting the flight. The taste was so nice / yummy and a bit costly since this p...
Bakwan Subur B2
syaiful rahmandaa
Mie Ayam Bakso Ciamis
Kota Tanjung Pinang, Indonesia
Muhammad Irsyadul Fauzi Fauzi
Bakso Gunung Botania
Hanif Kharisma Trashasri Amiseno
One of good choices for eating a bakso or Mie Ayam at botania area, the price is little bit pricey but its ok cause what we got are equal with what we...
Warung Bakso Gajah Mungkur
Yusuf Abdul Gofur
Banyak menu pilihannya yang tentunya menggoyang lidah.
Bakso Jeng Sri
Waroeng Mbah Darno
Charlie Silayano
The Headquarter with a smaller space but delicious, amazing food served
Bakso Barokah 2 Putra Solo
Khenan P.S.
One of meatball stores is good in tanjung pinang city. Because their kuah is tasteful that makes the meatball different than others.
Tahu Campur Malang
africeli marcell
Bakso Malang Ajeng
fauzi rahman
Bakso Juara
Alfarizi Al-hakim
Lumayan tapi rasanya masih ada yg lebih memuaskan lidah tapi kalau untuk ukuran standar itu sudah sangat pas
Mie Ayam Bakso Nusantara
Muhammad Andika Kesukmajaya
Mie Ayam Bakso Solo Berseri
jojok supojo
Mie ayam dan bakso Enak dan nikmat Soal rasa tidak meragukan Yg jauh mendekat Yg dekat merapat
Bakso "Semar Djogja" Istimewa
putri raja
Enak dan hemat
Bakso Mie Ayam "66"
Muhammad Fadli
Bakso Hoki
Mie Ayam Baso Solo
Muhammad Ridho
It’s just okay, nothing much special about this place. Typicall Mie Ayam food stall here
Mr. Bakso Restaurant
aldof ardy
Masakannya enak,murah n pegawainya ramah²
Bakso Bakar Dan Timphan Aceh
Trustfeed Score 2.0
Supriyadi Setiawan
Lewat aja
Bakso Sehat Batam
Bakso Sedap Malam
Tekad Matulatan
Cheap bakso with clean service
Bakso Arema
Florenciano Supit
Bakso Wonogiri,Pakde
Bakso Kita
Heri John
Mie Ayam Bakso Putra Solo
Ferdy Ari
Enak masakannya.
Warung Bakso Mie Ayam "Sri Solo"
Mie Ayam Bakso "Pak Pon Solo"
Javanese food
Mie Ayam Baso
Bakso Gunung Cabang Bt.9
Risno Sugiarto
Good ceff